We are live


We are live!
After a few weeks of restructuring and improving our website, we can finally say: We are online!
The relaunch was and very important to us, because we wanted to create a website for you, which is as user-friendly as possible. We have been busy restructuring our website, adapting it and adding new features - for you!

Request a demo: Now you can communicate and interact with experts from your requested industry. Make an appointment with your expert in only a few clicks to have a closer look at our products.

Work at craftguide: We will keep you updated about our currently open positions (we are hireing by the way) and you can get to know our team and the perks of working at craftguide.

Meet the founders: To tell you more about the company, our mission and values we implemented the segment “about" us”. Here you can get to know our founders and why they make a great team.

Our website summarizes all important information but if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us directly via website - we will be happy to help you!


Not your stereotypical farmer